All Souls Services
These are special services to remember those we love but see no more because of death
Within the Christian story lies the promise of hope - of new beginnings and rebirth. This is not to deny any pain or sorrow that we feel as we journey through life. The church offers the gift of a space and time in which to hold those things together and to remember those whose memory we cherish. All Souls’ is a gift of remembrance, an opportunity for celebrating and giving thanks for those who we have loved and lost.
St Peter and St Paul, Tring
1st Nov 6.30 pm
Everyone is welcome at this service whether it is to remember someone who has died recently or many years ago.
This service will be live streamed so you can either book to attend or you can watch from home. If you are watching from home, you may like to have a leaf to look at during the reflection.
The service includes reading a list of names of those who have died. If you would like to add a name to the list please email Huw, the Vicar taking the service.
There will be a small choir at the service to sing for us, but we are not allowed to sing as a congregation.
Please bring along a sprig of rosemary or green leaves which will be collected up in the service and placed on the altar.
St John the Baptist, Aldbury
1st Nov 6.00 pm
Everyone is welcome at this service whether it is to remember someone who has died recently or many years ago.
The service includes reading a list of names of those who have died. If you would like to add a name to the list please do so when you book (click below), or email Michelle, the Vicar taking the service.
All Saints, Long Marston
1st November 6pm
This is the time when we remember before God those we have loved and lost, whether recently or not.
At the service, we will read out the names of all those whose funerals we took over the last year. If you have family and friends who you would like remembered at one of these services, please click on the button.
Our churches are not large and with social distancing we cannot have the numbers that we normally would. So we are also open on Saturday 31st October, 4-6pm when you can come in for private prayer, or to light a candle.
Please click to book places for the services. Booking is not needed for Open Church, but we cannot have more than 6 in any group attending. Face coverings need to be worn any time that you are in the churches.
St Cross, Wilstone
Tuesday 3rd Nov 10 am
This is the time when we remember before God those we have loved and lost, whether recently or not. .
At the service, we will read out the names of all those whose funerals we took over the last year. If you have family and friends who you would like remembered at one of these services, please click on the button below.
Our churches are not large and with social distancing we cannot have the numbers that we normally would. So we are also open on Sunday 1st November 2-4pm when you can come in for private prayer, or to light a candle.
Please click to book places for the services. Booking is not needed for Open Church, but we cannot have more than 6 in any group attending. Face coverings need to be worn any time that you are in the churches.