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Worship & Support at this time

This is the time of year when we prepare ourselves for the Season of Christmas; when we welcome the Christ child - God is with us.  As well as the Church of England Comfort and Joy resource we have two parish courses.  An Unsettled Advent and An Introduction to Mark's Gospel

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Comfort and Joy

This Christmas the Church will need, in the words of St Paul in Romans 12.15, to ‘Rejoice with those who rejoice; weep with those who weep’.


We will aim to celebrate where we can together in one place – but also embrace a wider community that wants to join in the celebration but may not be physically able – or emotionally ready – to do so. 

With the Church of England Comfort and Joy campaign there will be weekly reflections published on social media and available by email and app for each Sunday of Advent. 

Week 1 Course

Unsettled Advent

A four-week course exploring the story of Elizabeth and Zechariah, recognising life is very different this year.

There will be afternoon and evening zoom groups (and if lock-down restrictions ease, small groups meeting in church)

The course materials to enhance the meetings, can be downloaded and there are links to the weekly videos. 


If you dont want to join a group you can use the material on your own. 

Please contact Sarah to book a place or to find out more information.


Please let her know whether you want daytime or evening meetings, or if you just want the materials. 


Sunday 22nd Nov 12 noon

Huw will give an on-line talk by zoom on Mark, our predominant Gospel for the next 12 months.


Please join us by clicking on the zoom link below or enter the meeting ID 954 8341 5787 Passcode 947717

We hope to record the talk and will publish it here afterwards. 

Introduction to
St Mark's Gospel

Here is some house group material to take the talk further.

It can also be used by individuals. Please get in contact if you would like to join with others discussing this.

An Introduction to Mark's Gospel

An Introduction to Mark's Gospel

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Contact 01442 822170 or email

Registered with Charity Commission 1132255

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